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ByHimanshu Vashishtha

5 Examples of Behavioral Economics in Your Everyday Life

 “Wouldn’t economics make a lot more sense if it were based on how people actually behave, instead of how they should behave?”- Dan Ariely

We experience examples of behavioral economics that are seen in our daily lives more than we can imagine. In which ways do these principles affect us?
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ByHimanshu Vashishtha

The Business Benefits of Coupons

Couponing is an efficient and easy way to not only make your business more appealing but also attract new consumers in the face of looming competition. Experts point to the possibility that it can be a tough call for business owners, especially small brands as they won’t be making a profit from continuously providing discounted purchases. These experts also say that, on the other hand, brands that provide coupons and offers also have a competitive edge as the availability of discounts is one of the main reasons that customers will shop at your store again and again.
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ByHimanshu Vashishtha

How to Effectively Evaluate Brands with Qual Research

A lot of brands use their online resources to find out about quantitative research which can be available to businesses of any size. Researchers point out that even though brand evaluation can be done with quantitative methods, when it comes to dealing with certain concepts, it can be fundamentally flawed.  
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ByHimanshu Vashishtha

Methods of Customer Service Research

Customer service research is done by organizations to measure how satisfied the consumer is with their brand’s services and products. Every brand aims to improve its customer experience and part of doing this is to measure, observe and check online surveys, personal messages, and more to ensure that their customer service performance is up to the mark. 
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ByHimanshu Vashishtha

Free samples to boost sales

Experts say one of the best ways to get new and loyal customers is to give your product away for free. Now while most brands may shudder at the thought of giving away free merchandise, this can be beneficial to your business in the long run rather than offering discounts. For example, most times when you attend a meeting or a networking conference with tons of business people, you often find ‘goodie’ bags jammed with free product samples and brochures with information.
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