Social Media Analytics | Sentiment Analysis in Social Media | Sixthfactor Consulting

Social Media Analysis for Business

Social Media Data Analysis For Business

The easy access to the internet and proliferation of social media channels & forums has made consumers today more digital-savvy & ‘social’ focused. To keep up with this change, marketers are increasingly diverting marketing spends from traditional channels to digital ones. This has also led to a geometric increase in chatter around consumers and their interactions with various products & services resulting in humongous amounts of easily accessible ‘branded’ data which can help brand managers understand online buzz so as to create winning online and offline marketing strategies.
SixthFactor Consulting combines traditional research techniques with new-age social media extraction & analysis tools to help brands decode these consumer sentiments that are available online. With bespoke analyses frameworks customizable to a variety of product categories and social media content types like text, hashtags and pictures, SixthFactor Consulting can help your business derive relevant and meaningful insights to help marketers define & refine their marketing strategies and tactics. We also assist you in gaining an advantage over your rival by providing you with social media competitor analysis.

What is social media analytics & how to understand social media analytics

The term social media analytics is used to describe detailed reporting and social media data analysis linked with the business impact of social networks and social media efforts. There are several different facets of social media analytics that offer different kinds of insights. These mainly are reporting on the quantifiable aspects of social media interactions, analyzing social media content, and understanding and reporting the behavior of specific individuals within a social network. Social media data analysis provides different levels of insight into corporate perception and the effectiveness of a social media strategy. Integrated together, they can be even more influential in pointing the way toward prospects for improving both strategic and tactical methods to the social media environment -- ideally resulting in better return on investments

There are a few different types of Social Media Analytics:

  • Sentiment analysis: sentiment analysis on social media is used to understand the feeling or tone of the content. It can be applied to everything from individual posts to entire social media campaigns. Sentiment analysis can understand how people feel about your brand, product, or service.
  • Content analysis: This type of social media analytics looks at the content that is being shared on social media. Content analysis can help you understand what content is resonating with your audience and what type of content is being shared the most.
  • Competitor analysis: This type of social media analytics looks at how your competitors use social media and what results they get. Social media competitor analysis can help you understand what you are doing well and where you can improve.
Social media data analysis is a powerful tool that can be used to understand the feeling or tone of content, look at the content that is being shared on social media, and analyze how your competitors are using social media. Social media analytics can help you improve your return on investment for your social media strategy.

Social media data analysis for business

Social media statistics include a wide range of useful information like audience distribution, number of impressions for posts, mobile device interactions and responses by users. Those metrics can be broken down by different dimensions, including time of day, geographic location, browser type and corporate domains
Content analytics helps distinguish actionable information about the messages that are being posted by the users of social media sites. This is possible by identifying designated keywords in social media posts, tracing customer sentiment based on positive or negative references to a company, monitoring for posts that refer to specific products or brands and detecting if there are any problems that could pose a threat to a company's reputation and profitability
Further Analysis of collected data would include looking at how different participants in social media communities interact with each other to help identify influential people within a community. Identifying such individuals or entities help us understand who or what is likely to influence the opinions of others. These entities should be further monitored and this will help spot trends or discussion threads that a company needs to respond to, either to reinforce positive comments or to answer negative ones. In order to make use of the vast amount of information being generated by social media users, market research companies in Dubai are using sophisticated software to analyze and interpret it. Such software can help market research companies in Dubai make better decisions about where to allocate their resources, how to target their marketing campaigns and what kind of content is most likely to resonate with their target audience.