Neuromarketing Research Company | Behavioral Economics Market Research


What is NeuroMarketing

Neuro-marketing, a modern field of behavioral economics marketing research, studies consumers’ sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli. Neuro-marketing techniques are based on scientific principles about how humans really think and decide, which involves brain processes that our conscious minds are not aware of. When combined with sound experimental designs and procedures, these new neuromarketing techniques provide insights into consumer decisions and actions.
A pioneering initiative by us is the setup of the first Neuro lab in the region in 2012. Our specialist division – Sensonomics offers neuro-marketing solutions by using proprietary software and hardware which integrates EEG (brain waves) and bio-metrics (Eye Tracking and Galvanic Skin Response). Along with that, an incorporation of voice analytics and facial expressions will enable us to literally peek inside consumer brains and measure their physiological reaction to any stimulus, giving us a very unique understanding of their reactions.

Neuromarketing consultants

Neuromarketing consultants at SixthFactor have an educational background that features some combination of marketing, psychology, and cognitive neuroscience. Prior experience in marketing and presentation and excellent communication skills that are essential in delivering the right results.
As a pioneering neuromarketing research agency we take the information acquired by neuromarketing methods as well as neuromarketing techniques and train you on how to implement those findings.
Neuromarketing agency uses existing knowledge in the field of neuromarketing, and equips companies and top brands to apply that knowledge to their existing sales, marketing, and communications strategies. Sometimes this will include training the participants, either individually or in workshops, to message and speak the language of decision-makers, based on findings from neural and sensory data Neuromarketing expert consultations can assist to make company websites, marketing material and overall branding and messaging more “brain-friendly”
Neuromarketing studies allows us to measure specific types of brain activity in response to advertising messages. With this information, our neuromarketing research, helps companies learn why consumers make the decisions they do, and what parts of the brain are motivating them to do so. Neuromarketing studies determine customer preferences and brand loyalty, because it can apply to nearly anyone who has developed an opinion about a product or company. No matter what form it takes, marketing focuses on creating positive and memorable impact in the minds of customers. Neuromarketing measures those impacts, but anyone can take the basic discoveries and adjust their product or service to reflect subconscious consumer needs.
Even before the conscious mind becomes aware of a stimulus, the subconscious mind has already begun to process it and respond—all in the course of a single second. Neuromarketing, then, is most concerned with that second when the response is first formed. As an expert neuromarketing research company we are less concerned with developing the right message or branding but more focussed on studying the emotions and memories triggered by that message. A neuromarketing campaign is more person-intensive. Whereas typical marketing draws broadly from a cross-section of customers, through a variety of methods (focus groups, surveys, customer records, etc.), neuromarketing concentrates intently on individual marketing test subjects— usually no more than a few dozen, and over an extended period of time.

For more details about our neuromarketing and behavioral economics market research, contact us today at