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ByHimanshu Vashishtha

Importance of Orange Colour in Branding and Design

Colour may rightly be called the most important element in branding and design. Human minds associate meanings to colours. Psychiatrists believe that humans tend to have bodily reactions to stimuli from colours. Hence marketers should use them carefully to send the right messages and create the desired impressions in consumers’ minds.

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ByHimanshu Vashishtha

10 Marketing Psychology Tips for Entrepreneurs

In today’s world, having good quality products need not be enough for success. A good marketing strategy is crucial to make or break a brand. Be it through word-of-mouth or through advertisements, marketing helps to lessen the gap between brands and consumers. Since the advent of digital marketing, it’s become a two way process – in addition to brand communication, customers also communicate their needs, feedback and suggestions to brands.

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ByHimanshu Vashishtha

Does Ambiguity Aversion bias affect investors’ decisions?

Ambiguity aversion refers to the bias when people tend to lean towards known outcomes over unknown ones. They want to avoid uncertainty and choose what they are confident of. It is applicable when a choice has to be made between risky or ambiguous alternatives.

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ByHimanshu Vashishtha

Psychology of Real Estate Pricing

Owning a home is one of the most important and strongest aspirations of a person’s life journey. Emotions are attached to a buyer’s decision to buy a real estate property. Touching the right chord could make or break his/her decision to go for a deal.

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ByHimanshu Vashishtha

Decoding Teenage Brain with Neuroscience

Adolescence/teenage is considered to be a significant phase in everyone’s life. It is the transformation from childhood to adulthood, and its rather unsettling for some due to the various hormonal changes that one goes through. There are many stereotypical emotions attached to teenage – moody, affected by peer pressure, impulsive etc.

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