Takeaways for marketers from Neuromarketing studies - Market Research & Behaviour analytics

Takeaways for marketers from Neuromarketing studies

ByHimanshu Vashishtha

Takeaways for marketers from Neuromarketing studies

Neuromarketing is the study of the human brain’s response to stimuli. Using MRIs, these impulses and reactions can be tracked and interpreted. There could be conflicts between our conscious and subconscious parts of human minds.

Various neuromarketing research studies over the years have given key insights that marketers can utilize for their marketing strategies.

Recent neuromarketing studies

  • Forecasting sales at Point of sale
  • Studies show that qualitative research into preferences of consumers regarding product messages need not be an accurate indicator of sales. However, smaller neuromarketing tests may be better for analysing how product messaging can indicate sales. Smaller sample sizes have more potential power. Neuroimaging methods can be used for these sample sizes to detect how communication about products can affect behaviour of consumers at point of sale.

  • Validating individual tests
  • Individual tests of neuromarketing can be used to validate consumer behaviour on a larger scale. These results can be extrapolated into real world decisions of consumers and forecast their decisions.

  • Stronger connect with audio messages
  • Even though consumers may state that video is preferred, audio messages like podcasts may be more powerful in creating a stronger connect with target audiences. Researchers feel that listening to audio requires more active imagination when compared to video. Also, activation in this case is not restricted to brain activity. It also involves emotional and sensory systems so that the listener can experience the message being conveyed.

  • Designs affect consumer trust
  • Simple changes like altering page layout, font choices, images etc. can increase consumer trust in a brand, and work vice-versa with a wrong change. Especially in the case of higher risk decisions, consumers will rely on their intuitive reasoning rather than logic. So the look of a website and the feel it gives could be a deal maker or deal breaker.

  • Payment options should be familiar and secure
  • Despite the popularity of online purchases today, consumers are still wary of making online transactions. Offering secure and familiar payment options, like PayPal, are a good way of gaining their trust and easing their reluctance to spend online. They will also find it more rewarding, translating into brand affinity and loyalty.

  • Effort in design matters
  • The key element to gain consumer trust is consistency. It’s not just about the right font colour, font type, layout etc. It’s also about consistency in these to invoke trust. While professionalism needs to be kept in mind, establishing connect with target audience should be kept in mind too.

  • Framing product descriptions right
  • In the competitive space, positive framing of product descriptions will influence the value perceived by consumers. It will also make way for heightened interest in products plus smoother decision-making. Negative framing can hamper engagement with consumers and affect sales conversions.

  • Simpler ads for more ad recall
  • Ad recall across platforms may not be as high as expected, but the ones with simpler designs can attract more attention. In general, ads across social media platforms may have higher recall, as compared to an ad on a website from where user may be looking for information. In the latter case, an ad will be seen as an obstacle or hindrance to the process of seeking information. So instead of gaining affinity from user, he or she will feel an aversion to it.

About the Author

Himanshu Vashishtha administrator

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