Himanshu Vashishtha, Author at Market Research & Behaviour analytics - Page 16 of 19

Author Archive:Himanshu Vashishtha

ByHimanshu Vashishtha

Six Reasons why Consumers are Loyal to a Brand

Behavioural economics can help you understand what are the reasons that motivate consumers to stick with a brand.
Insights from behavioural research are showing that customers like to buy what they are used to when people have enjoyed a brand or a taste for years; they tend to inflate its value. When calculating the pros and cons of purchasing a product or a service, emotional biases often cloud the ability to make rational choices (customers are influenced by their own personality and the feelings of attachment or obligation that they may have towards a brand). In fact, we can actually state that cognitive biases often prevent people from acting in their own best interest. Read More

ByHimanshu Vashishtha

Six Steps to Build a Behavioural Brand Strategy

A well-known and loved brand is one of the most valuable assets a company owns. Behavioural branding involves in creating the company’s own logo, slogan and the graphic that will help people identify the company’s products or services while browsing shops or while surfing the internet. The foundation for building a successful brand is to define the business targeted audience and focusing on tailoring a message that meets their specific needs.
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ByHimanshu Vashishtha

Six Tips to Set your Price Effectively

Classical pricing theories assume that customers behave rationally and have access to complete information regarding cost-benefit ratio. According to those theoretical principles, the pain of payment should be identical for every penny spend (customers want to obtain as much for their money as possible). Those theories are based on the hypothesis that customers act rationally. However, in real life, many factors influence the way consumers value money and how much pain they feel upon spending it.
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ByHimanshu Vashishtha


Our Neuromarketing Unit –

We’ve set the first Neuro-Lab in this region. Using new and emerging patented technologies measuring brain activity; real-time emotional reactions and calculate the point of gaze. These are EEG, Galvanic skin response measurement, eye-tracking etc

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ByHimanshu Vashishtha


A mobile app is an easy way to gather responses. We have introduced mobile panels of pre-recruited respondents, who fit a certain demographic criterion, to provide an alternative source of conducting consumer research, which has a much faster,

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